
I have purchased a subscription in the app, but the latest issue has a price next to it. What should I do?
Please try to restore your purchases by tapping on the Settings icon in the top right corner of the app, then 'Restore Purchases.' You may be prompted to enter your Amazon username and password, which will unlock the newest issue available in the app for you to download.
How to cancel auto renewal?
  1. Go to www.amazon.com/manageyourkindlesubscriptions.
  2. Locate your subscription, and then click the Actions button.
  3. Select Turn on auto-renewal or Turn off auto-renewal.
The app appears to have frozen. What should I do?
  1. Exit the app by pressing the home or back button once.
  2. From your home screen, pull down the notification bar and tap on More > Settings > Applications > Installed applications.
  3. Find the app, select it, then tap 'Force stop.' Tap 'OK.'
  4. Tap the home button, reopen the app, and attempt to restore purchases again.
I have renewed my print subscription to the magazine with the publisher. I had also made some in-app purchases through the Amazon Kindle Store. What happens to these in-app purchases now that I have a running print subscription? Can I get back those in-app purchases in the app and also get access to the print issues in the app?
If the publisher offers print subscription integration in the app, you will see an "Existing Subscribers"/"Digital Subscribers" button in the app's store through which you can unlock issues in your print subscription using your account details. In addition to that you may also use "Unlock My Purchases" under settings to unlock any previous in-app purchases (including auto renewing subscriptions) you may have purchased from the Amazon Kindle Store. Just remember to unlock print subscription issues prior to unlocking any in-app purchases.